My name is Bella. Here are my toys. I will destroy them all. |
Anyway, nothing too exciting. Work is work and it is hard to find a balance between maintaining high productivity and working reasonable hours to get paperwork done. I feel like did I just go to school longer for OT so I can do more paperwork? Good grief. FYI for those who are not in the therapy world- here are the things only an OTR can do in the SNF world paperwork-wise:
- Discharge summaries
- Part A recertifications
- Part B progress reports
- G-codes (part B)
- GG codes (part A)
- write orders
- do evaluations
- screens (state depending)
- E-sign all COTA's notes
- modify/write new therapy goals
- Be legally responsible for all COTA documentation and service provision
So think of ALL of that and now try to figure out how to complete it in a 'productive' manner because realistically it's only likely you'll write your daily note during your direct time with a patient. So where does the rest of that time go? Either you work off the clock to stay productive or stay on the clock and risk decreasing your productivity.
Moving on.
So I've been thinking a lot about all of these strange coincidences popping up in my brain between my traveling jobs and home. It makes you wonder....
- In Port Arthur (PA), I am living in Jefferson County. 'JeffCo' is also a county right outside of STL. Also, there is a family I met in Tyler TX (TT) who the father is from JeffCo, MO! TT is in Smith County. In Virginia (VA), the county next to where I worked was Smythe County- where we got a lot of patients from Smythe County Hospital.
- I just realized this one!! I have a COTA who is a twin (Kelsey!) AND in VA I had a COTA who is a twin as well (Kayla!). Crazy. Both have female twins like myself.
- In TT, there was a doctor who did a lot of referrals to the clinic and her first and last name was the exact name of a patient we had in VA. Also on that note, there is a CNA here who has the first and last name of a patient in VA (although her name is a bit more common).
- My neighbor at home in STL is from Whitehouse TX which is just outside of Tyler.
- In VA there is a hilarious PT named Alvin who happens to be Filipino. I say this because I work with a hilarious PT down here who is ALSO Filipino. It's so funny. I have to stop myself from calling him Alvin. And they look nothing alike.
- In TT, there is a parent who is a dead ringer for my STL friend Summer. I even showed this mom a picture of Summer and she was like oh my gosh! If you're wondering, Summer is gorgeous and a badass so it's a compliment!
- There is a travel PTA here from Michigan and there was a travel SLP in VA from Michigan. I know that's a bit of a stretch..
- There have been total of 5 pregnancies within the therapy departments (including all 3 sites) - 2 girls born, 1 boy born, and another girl and boy on the way- all within 3-6 months of each other. I'm glad I'm not drinking the water... but happy for them!
- In TT, my upstairs neighbor had a cat with a disability (3 legs) to my dog with a visual impairment.
I'm sure there are other ones I'm forgetting and more to come. I just find it fascinating and strange at the same time.
On that note, we have two patients who I have decided look like George Bush Sr. and Robert Dinero- both gentleman have not found it as amusing as I have.
Also, there is a patient here who called me a "walking angel" which is very high praise seeing that she isn't a fan of therapy and historically doesn't like white people (I'm sure she has her reasons and this is well-known fact at this facility). She's adorable with her wig askew and poor seated posture. I like her. She's sharper than people give her credit for.
That's it for tonight. Not sure what/if I am doing anything interesting tomorrow.
Here are some fun facts for you from a book of trivia I have:
- Benjamin Franklin founded the first circulating library in Philidelphia in 1731
- The most common birthday in the US is October 5th (a lot of winter January shackin' up going on...)
- 1912 was the last year the Olympic medals were entirely made out of gold
Peace, love, and minutia,
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